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Are you registering a practice or a group?

HUB accounts

The Practice Index HUB is for NHS GP practices and groups.

There are two types of HUB accounts, one is called a "practice HUB" and the other is called a "group HUB". Group HUB accounts can link practice HUB accounts within a group HUB account. If you are GP practice then please register for a practice HUB account. If you are a GP practice group, such as a PCN, please register for a group HUB account. For anything else, please contact us.

Please note, only one person from a practice or group needs to register for a HUB account. Once registered, HUB Managers can add staff into their HUB using the staff page within the HUB. Staff do not need to go through the registration process here. Read our helpful FAQs here.